National Standards for Music Education
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Standard 2: Music
Understand and apply elements of music and understand how music communicates ideas, feelings, and experiences across cultures.
6-8 Music Benchmarks
How the Arts are Organized
Perform a variety of musical elements (e.g., tone, rhythm) with understanding and accuracy
Perform music from a variety of cultures, styles, and genres individually as well as in small and/or large ensembles
Compose, arrange, or notate music using specified guidelines
Improvise a short pattern or melody to be performed with a rhythmic and/or melodic accompaniment
Compare terms and elements used in music, the other arts, and other content areas
Perform music in various meters
How the Arts Communicate
Evaluate the effectiveness of a musical performance or composition
How the Arts Shape and Reflect Culture
Compare the role of music and composers in various cultures and time periods
Analyze the use of musical elements in various cultures with an emphasis on melody and harmonic progressions
Perform a variety of musical elements (e.g., tone, rhythm) with understanding and accuracy
Perform music from a variety of cultures, styles, and genres individually as well as in small and/or large ensembles
Compose, arrange, or notate music using specified guidelines
Improvise a short pattern or melody to be performed with a rhythmic and/or melodic accompaniment
Compare terms and elements used in music, the other arts, and other content areas
Perform music in various meters
How the Arts Communicate
Evaluate the effectiveness of a musical performance or composition
How the Arts Shape and Reflect Culture
Compare the role of music and composers in various cultures and time periods
Analyze the use of musical elements in various cultures with an emphasis on melody and harmonic progressions
General Learner Outcomes (GLOs)
‐ Department
General Learner Outcomes (GLO)
GLO 1: Self‐Directed Learner
The ability to be responsible for one’s own learning
1.1 – Sets priorities and establishes achievable goals and personal plans for learning
1.2 – Plans and manages time and resources to achieve goals
1.3 – Monitors progress and evaluates learning experiences
GLO 2: Community Contributor
The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together
2.1 – Respects people’s feelings, ideas, abilities and cultural diversity
2.2 – Cooperates with and helps and encourages others in group situations
2.3 – Understands and follows rules of conduct
2.4 – Analyzes conflict and applies methods of cooperative resolution
2.5 – Demonstrates responsible and ethical behavior in decision making
2.6 – Reasonably implements a solution
GLO 3: Complex Thinker
The ability to perform complex thinking and problem solving
3.1 – Applies prior learning experiences to new situations
3.2 – Considers multiple perspectives in analyzing and solving a variety of problems
3.3 – Generates new and creative ideas and approaches to developing solutions
3.4 – Evaluates the effectiveness and ethical considerations to a solution and make adjustments as needed
GLO 4: Quality Producer
The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality products
4.1 – Recognizes and understands what quality performances and products are
4.2 – Understands and sets criteria to meet or exceed Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
4.3 – Produces evidence that meets or exceeds Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
GLO 5: Effective Communicator
The ability to communicate effectively
5.1 – Listens to, interprets, and uses information effectively
5.2 – Communicates effectively and clearly through speaking, using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to convey ideas and information for a variety of audiences and purposes
5.3 – Reads with understanding various types of written materials and literature and uses information for various purposes
5.4 – Communicates effectively and clearly through writing, using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to convey ideas and information for a variety of audiences and purposes
5.5 – Observes and makes sense of visual information
GLO 6: Effective and Ethical User of Technology
The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically
6.1 – Uses a variety of technologies in producing an idea or a product
6.2 – Uses a variety of technologies to access and manage information and
to generate new information
6.3 – Understands the impact of technologies on individuals, family, society, and the environment
6.4 – Uses the appropriate technologies for communication, collaboration, research, creativity, and problem solving
6.5 – Understands and respects the legal and ethical issues
General Learner Outcomes (GLO)
GLO 1: Self‐Directed Learner
The ability to be responsible for one’s own learning
1.1 – Sets priorities and establishes achievable goals and personal plans for learning
1.2 – Plans and manages time and resources to achieve goals
1.3 – Monitors progress and evaluates learning experiences
GLO 2: Community Contributor
The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together
2.1 – Respects people’s feelings, ideas, abilities and cultural diversity
2.2 – Cooperates with and helps and encourages others in group situations
2.3 – Understands and follows rules of conduct
2.4 – Analyzes conflict and applies methods of cooperative resolution
2.5 – Demonstrates responsible and ethical behavior in decision making
2.6 – Reasonably implements a solution
GLO 3: Complex Thinker
The ability to perform complex thinking and problem solving
3.1 – Applies prior learning experiences to new situations
3.2 – Considers multiple perspectives in analyzing and solving a variety of problems
3.3 – Generates new and creative ideas and approaches to developing solutions
3.4 – Evaluates the effectiveness and ethical considerations to a solution and make adjustments as needed
GLO 4: Quality Producer
The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality products
4.1 – Recognizes and understands what quality performances and products are
4.2 – Understands and sets criteria to meet or exceed Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
4.3 – Produces evidence that meets or exceeds Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
GLO 5: Effective Communicator
The ability to communicate effectively
5.1 – Listens to, interprets, and uses information effectively
5.2 – Communicates effectively and clearly through speaking, using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to convey ideas and information for a variety of audiences and purposes
5.3 – Reads with understanding various types of written materials and literature and uses information for various purposes
5.4 – Communicates effectively and clearly through writing, using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to convey ideas and information for a variety of audiences and purposes
5.5 – Observes and makes sense of visual information
GLO 6: Effective and Ethical User of Technology
The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically
6.1 – Uses a variety of technologies in producing an idea or a product
6.2 – Uses a variety of technologies to access and manage information and
to generate new information
6.3 – Understands the impact of technologies on individuals, family, society, and the environment
6.4 – Uses the appropriate technologies for communication, collaboration, research, creativity, and problem solving
6.5 – Understands and respects the legal and ethical issues