We <3 Band...I Support Music Education! Life without music would Bb.
Register for
Nā Hoaloha O Moanalua Middle School Band
Join the Nā Hoaloha O Moanalua Middle School Band
No membership required. “Friends” will sign up as an individual on an annual basis.
Donation levels: (initial sign up)
Ali‘i [Chief] Nā Hoaloha - $500.00+
(Receive early family preference seating at the Aloha Concert in May)
‘Ohana [family] Nā Hoaloha - $100.00+
Haumana [Student] Nā Hoaloha - $25.00+
No membership required. “Friends” will sign up as an individual on an annual basis.
Donation levels: (initial sign up)
Ali‘i [Chief] Nā Hoaloha - $500.00+
(Receive early family preference seating at the Aloha Concert in May)
‘Ohana [family] Nā Hoaloha - $100.00+
Haumana [Student] Nā Hoaloha - $25.00+
Join Nā Hoaloha O Moanalua Middle School Band:
Become a MMS Band friend and support the Moanalua Middle School band program. In order to receive e-mail updates regarding the Band Program, please enroll as a Friend of the MMS Band.
2024-2025 Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band Board of Directors:
James Iwanaga
Jocelyn Kalamau
Ryna Yamada
2022-2023 Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band Officers:
President: Jocelyn Kalamau
Vice President: Ryna Yamada
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: James Iwanaga
Nā Hoaloha Registration Chairperson:
Fundraising Chairperson:
Merchandise Chairperson:
What are the Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band and its objectives?
The Friends of MMS Band is a non-profit organization comprised of parents/guardians of students enrolled in the band program and any other interested supporters. We are not funded by the school or affiliated with the Department of Education. Our main objective is to support and assist the band program. In order to do this, we help provide manpower, accept monetary donations and donations of goods, and fund raise. The donations, and funds raised benefit all students enrolled in the Beginning, Intermediate, Jazz and Symphonic Bands and includes, but is not limited to the following:
• Instrument repairs and maintenance;
• Purchase of band instruments, supplemental materials, and supplies;
• Defraying the cost of students' music supplies (mouthpieces, reeds, oils, cleaners, etc.;
• Subsidizing the cost of band uniforms;
• Financial support for the annual band camp and annual neighbor island trip for
participating students;
• Providing support for students who travel off-campus for performances and/or service
• Seed money for fund-raising and;
• Defraying the cost of bus transportation to and from off-campus concert performances.
Why Join?
Receiving e-mail alerts about band-program information and seeing that smile on your child's face when they see that you cared enough about the program to support it and become a MMS Band friend.
How can I sign up to be a friend?
Fill out the online form.
When is the application form due?
The students are counting on you for your support and your prompt enrollment will help give us a head start in budgeting and planning for the upcoming school year. Thank you, in advance, for your financial support and assistance with manpower so we can continue to assist the teachers with offering a quality band program. We look forward to seeing you at the various band functions throughout the school year! Join us in making a difference!
Join Nā Hoaloha O Moanalua Middle School Band:
Become a MMS Band friend and support the Moanalua Middle School band program. In order to receive e-mail updates regarding the Band Program, please enroll as a Friend of the MMS Band.
2024-2025 Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band Board of Directors:
James Iwanaga
Jocelyn Kalamau
Ryna Yamada
2022-2023 Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band Officers:
President: Jocelyn Kalamau
Vice President: Ryna Yamada
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: James Iwanaga
Nā Hoaloha Registration Chairperson:
Fundraising Chairperson:
Merchandise Chairperson:
What are the Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band and its objectives?
The Friends of MMS Band is a non-profit organization comprised of parents/guardians of students enrolled in the band program and any other interested supporters. We are not funded by the school or affiliated with the Department of Education. Our main objective is to support and assist the band program. In order to do this, we help provide manpower, accept monetary donations and donations of goods, and fund raise. The donations, and funds raised benefit all students enrolled in the Beginning, Intermediate, Jazz and Symphonic Bands and includes, but is not limited to the following:
• Instrument repairs and maintenance;
• Purchase of band instruments, supplemental materials, and supplies;
• Defraying the cost of students' music supplies (mouthpieces, reeds, oils, cleaners, etc.;
• Subsidizing the cost of band uniforms;
• Financial support for the annual band camp and annual neighbor island trip for
participating students;
• Providing support for students who travel off-campus for performances and/or service
• Seed money for fund-raising and;
• Defraying the cost of bus transportation to and from off-campus concert performances.
Why Join?
Receiving e-mail alerts about band-program information and seeing that smile on your child's face when they see that you cared enough about the program to support it and become a MMS Band friend.
How can I sign up to be a friend?
Fill out the online form.
When is the application form due?
The students are counting on you for your support and your prompt enrollment will help give us a head start in budgeting and planning for the upcoming school year. Thank you, in advance, for your financial support and assistance with manpower so we can continue to assist the teachers with offering a quality band program. We look forward to seeing you at the various band functions throughout the school year! Join us in making a difference!
Join the Nā Hoaloha O Moanalua Middle School Band
with a minimum donation of $25.00
Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band T-Shirts, Hoodie & Fans
The shirt & hoodie has been approved by the MMS administration as a school uniform.
with a minimum donation of $25.00
Nā Hoaloha O MMS Band T-Shirts, Hoodie & Fans
The shirt & hoodie has been approved by the MMS administration as a school uniform.