The purpose of the festival are:
The goals of the festival are:
- To give the band programs in the Central District an opportunity to demonstrate to the community student achievement through authentic performance and standard based assessment.
- To bring into closer relations the band directors in the district so that they can exchange musical and educational ideas. This relationship will help to assist in the overall betterment of the band programs in the district.
- To provide an unbiased and professional evaluation of each band. Thereby giving the directors and students tangible evidence on their programs achievements as it relates to the HCPS III.
- To learn new techniques and concepts from the clinicians, which will in turn help improve the quality of music education in the schools.
The goals of the festival are:
- To bring music to the community we serve.
- To allow the bandsmen opportunities to share musical experiences.
- To provide for the exchange of musical ideas amongst the band directors in the district. This cooperation will assist in the betterment of the band programs within the district.
- To provide visible evidence of the instrumental music programs in the communities.
- To provide bandsmen and and masters with new techniques and greater musical input through the expertise provide by the clinicians.